Annually, CGI leaders around the world meet face-to-face with business and IT executives to gather their perspectives on the trends affecting their enterprises, including business and IT priorities, IT spending and investment plans. In 2019, we conducted in-person interviews with 75 client executives in communications who report that top of mind for them is meeting customer demands in a highly competitive environment by focusing on digitization, network investment, automation and agile delivery, with security and data privacy as ongoing imperatives.


Key findings

Digital transformation results are taking time

communications digital transformation 2019
*Includes enterprise strategy and enterprise strategy extending to external ecosystem

  Explore how organizations are gaining value from their enterprise digital transformation strategy.

Cultural change and change management is the top challenge

Cultural change and technology constraints remain the two barriers named most by communications executives in 2019.

86% using cloud, with private cloud dominant

communications cloud usage 2019
Percentages represent "yes" answers. Executives can select multiple cloud usage types. "No" and "other" answers are not shown.

This year we asked communications industry executives to share how they are using cloud-based solutions: 26% use them for their own organization, 3% for customers, and 57% for both. Additionally, they indicated how their organization’s cloud usage is divided between private, public and hybrid clouds (as shown in the above chart). We asked if they have mechanisms in place to locate where key data assets are stored in the cloud, and 31% do not have clarity on this question.

Benchmarking clients’ satisfaction with their own IT organization

Benchmarking clients’ satisfaction with their own IT organization
Scores from 1 to 10, with 10 most satisfied (showing 3 out of 10 available attributes)

For the second year, business and IT executives interviewed ranked their satisfaction with their own IT organizations based on the 10 key attributes of a world-class IT organization. In the communications industry, IT executives give much higher satisfaction scores for their department’s ability to provide services aligned with business requirements, compared to business leader scores.

CGI can provide clients with a discussion of all available benchmarking, including each client’s positioning, on topics such as digital maturity, IT spending, IT satisfaction, innovation investments and more. Contact us to learn more.

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Also see the industry summaries for our 2018 and 2017 CGI Client Global Insights.