Procurement within an organization often involves many different purchasers, processes and rules. CGI’s Rondo Procure-to-Pay eliminates the inherent challenges of this kind of procurement environment by implementing a single purchase and approval process for all purchasers, dramatically simplifying and streamlining the procurement life cycle.

With Rondo Procure-to-Pay, an approved purchase generates an order and all of the necessary account details in a systematic manner. The system automatically identifies and allocates both order and contract invoices, and standard invoices do not need to be processed manually, as they proceed to payment automatically. Overall, you can manage invoices more efficiently since order information is automatically available for the allocation of incoming invoices.

Up-to-date information enables quick response at different procurement stages since purchasing documentation is located in one place. The system also saves audit trail information on every action, enabling you, for example, to trace an automatically allocated invoice back to the order approver.

By transforming procurement, Rondo Procure-to-Pay makes routine tasks more efficient and saves costs, helping companies drive performance and results.

procure to pay


Rondo Procure-to-Pay features
  • Bidding: Purchase the best products at the most competitive prices through an easy and effective bidding process.
  • Contract management: Automate the processing of contract and recurring invoices and facilitate the archiving, retrieval and renewal of procurement contracts.
  • Purchasing: Perform this key function with the easy-to-use Rondo Purchasing System or use other systems, including the procurement functionalities of an ERP solution. This feature is suitable for professional buyers, as well as occasional purchasers.
  • Purchase invoice processing:  Fully automate this function through Rondo’s purchase invoice processing feature. You also can perform this function by using versatile automation functions, such as automatic billing and routing, in other types of systems. In addition, you can easily link the Rondo purchase invoice processing feature to other procurement systems, such as the SAP Purchasing System.
  • Analytics: Examine the entire procurement supply chain and identify potential targets for improvement, such as concentrating procurement on a particular vendor for volume discounts. You also can analyze individual parts of the process to, for example, identify bottlenecks.
Other Rondo components