The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program is the nation’s largest rental assistance program.  As of May 2022, more than 5 million people in 2.2 million low-income households rely upon vouchers to help them obtain safe and reliable housing. Since 1995, CGI has worked with the affordable housing industry to improve and streamline operations in support of locally administered HCV programs. We help you help families and individuals secure the affordable housing they need and deserve. 

Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) across the country partner with CGI for delivery of HCV program operations. CGI provides end-to-end HCV program administration or can support discrete tasks such as:

  • Opening, closing, and purging waiting lists
  • Applicant processing, ranking and selection
  • Eligibility determinations
  • Housing Quality Standards Inspections including HUD’s new National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) 
  • Rent reasonableness reviews
  • Landlord relations and payment
  • Case management for ongoing tenant services including annual re-examinations, interim re-examinations, change of unit and portability
  • Administration of programs such as special purpose and project-based vouchers

CGI’s HCV operations services have enabled clients to move quickly from Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) “troubled” to “high performer” status.

Consulting Services: PHAs strive to operate more efficiently and attain the highest level of HUD-rated performance. Our expert consulting services help them accomplish that.  Our housing experts support a variety of PHA needs including:

Program assessments and audits

We examine all relevant aspects of a program including work flow management, policies, procedures, operations, and compliance to provide detailed results, corrective actions, and proposed policy and procedural changes that can improve your program and ensure compliance.

SEMAP reviews

Our experts assess and measure performance against HUD’s 14 HCV key SEMAP Indicators. We provide detailed written reports of findings and recommendations along with focus areas for training.

Tenant mobility

We conduct analyses of current housing portfolio conditions, mapping and demographics of your PHA’s jurisdictions, and support mobility counseling program operations and outreach.

Landlord recruitment and outreach

Our experts identify trends and patterns that may impact your PHA’s ability to attract and retain landlords with quality units.

Tenant file audits

We perform tenant file audits to ensure your PHA complies with HUD rules and regulations and the PHA’s administrative plan.

As-needed staff support: To meet your PHA’s specific needs, CGI can provide staff to support HCV tasks including Intake Specialists, Tenant Mobility Coordinators, Special Programs Coordinators and Supervisors, and Compliance Review personnel to help augment your staff or improve current capabilities.

Purpose-built technology solutions: As you work to improve the overall management and efficiency of your housing programs, CGI’s modern, web-based technology solutions support the most complex business processes including HQS inspections, waitlist management, initial and annual re-certifications, communications and notification, and program analytics.





  • CGI OnCue360 HQS – a mobile regulatory enforcement and field data collection solution designed to help PHAs improve decision making and workforce productivity
  • CGI Notify – an interactive service for sending and receiving SMS (text, voice and email messages to tenant and/or owners
  • CGI View360 – analytics for housing authorities to manage and visualize multiple layers of information for greater insight