Public Housing Authorities serve clients in need, aiming to enable them to find and thrive in affordable housing. We work alongside PHA’s to help meet their goals for client services and mission outcomes. They benefit from our expert services to support priority initiatives and new challenges.

CGI provides expertise to PHAs to achieve measurable results under various affordable housing programs.

Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program

CGI provides end-to-end administration of EHV program operations, helping families and individuals from eligibility through move-in. We work with PHAs and Continuum of Care organizations to optimize program results, making the best use of technology to help the homeless or those at risk of homelessness move to save and secure housing. 

Low-Income Public Housing

CGI aids PHAs in optimizing processes for applicant and tenant management, including eligibility determination, waitlist management, applicant processing, ranking and selection, file audits, and ongoing tenant case management.

Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

CGI affordable housing experts assist in eligibility determination or conduct eligibility determination audits, enabling your PHA to focus resources on those households and individuals most in need.

Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program

When PHAs convert their physical assets from the Low-Income Public Housing program to the RAD program, we can help process files to transition residents to new programs. Our breadth of understanding of Low-Income Public Housing and the Office of Multifamily Housing project-based rental assistance (PBRA) and project-based voucher (PBV) programs enables your PHA to maintain regulatory compliance with those HUD programs.


  • CGI Notify – an interactive service for sending and receiving SMS (text, voice and email messages to tenant and/or owners
  • CGI View360 – analytics for housing authorities to manage and visualize multiple layers of information for greater insight