Engage your organization and its members in defining and implementing a customized 90-day blueprint for success with the support of CGI culture experts.
The Culture Blueprint leverages a thorough assessment of organizational culture and climate to support a facilitated session with a leadership team and/or change team. Quantify and connect culture to your top priorities, such as remote collaboration, digital transformation, customer experience, growth, employee engagement, and/or quality to accelerate desired results.
How do we do it?
Understand "why"
We work closely with our clients to discover and align the purpose and vision of the blueprint. Through interviews and facilitated sessions we will capture insights and key events to understand their impact on the current culture. We develop a clear project plan, timeline, and communication plan.
Build a baseline
We enlist participation and engagement through a steering committee, focus groups, and surveys to build a measured baseline of team culture. Survey data is analyzed and communicated.
Plan for change
We brief the steering committee with baseline results and provide recommendations for change. The blueprint for culture improvement and team approach is finalized, delivered, and ready for launch.