Focusing on human dimensions of business transformation, CGI Federal’s Organizational Change Management consulting team enables forward-looking reorganization, enhances customer experience, advances IT system development, optimizes talent management, advances skills development and improves HR policies.

Delivering organizational change with a human-centered approach

CGI Federal supports the U.S. government in addressing some of its most complex and significant change challenges, encompassing technology, people and process transformation initiatives across civilian, defense and intelligence agencies. With a global network of over 1,000 Organizational Change Management (OCM) professionals, CGI Federal offers extensive support from Prosci Certified and Certified Change Management Professionals (CCMPs). 

Our methodology- and technology-agnostic solutions facilitate comprehensive change management for large-scale modernization and transformation initiatives. CGI places a government organization’s varied multidisciplinary stakeholders in the center of the transformation to tailor messaging, communication, training, process improvement and other change activities to achieve desired outcomes. CGI’s CHANGE framework is a customer-centric model focused on six key tenets—Comprehend, Harmonize, Assemble, Nurture, Guide, and Evolve. 

We place a government organization’s varied multidisciplinary stakeholders in the center of the transformation to tailor messaging, communication, training, process improvement, and other change activities to achieve desired outcomes.

Three key areas of CGI’s change-focused leadership

Organizational design and efficiency

This area concentrates on optimizing the current and future structure of an agency in response to meet every changing market demands. CGI addresses leadership collaboration and development while leveraging data to assess and manage organizational performance.

Change and culture management

This support prepares the workforce for new technologies, processes, and other changes that impact daily activities and roles. CGI helps the government navigate and manage cultural shifts in values, behaviors, and practice.

Human capital consulting

CGI coaches leadership, building upon skill sets to enhance workforce effectiveness and foster cross-organizational collaboration, creating a more cohesive leadership coalition. CGI leverages advanced technology and data-driven strategies to optimize workforce planning, talent acquisition, and employee development. By integrating innovative tools and analytics, CGI helps organizations enhance productivity, improve employee engagement, and align human resources with the strategic goals.

Why CGI?

CGI has the expertise of how people adapt and grow, create effective leadership and serve as the key component of how we manage change.

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