
Resource center

Gaja Krishna Vaidyanatha
Gaja Krishna Vaidyanatha

Modernizing government payroll in the cloud

2024-08-12 Picture this. You work for an organization that pays you hourly. The bi-weekly ritual of submitting a timesheet is a given. Most of us assume we’d be submitting our time using an online portal. Simple, right? After all, we live...

Torsten Bernstrom
Torsten Bernström

NATO’s 75th anniversary: A reminder of the importance of building resilience

2024-04-15 As NATO commemorates its 75th anniversary this month, it prompts reflection on its enduring principles and adaptability in response to evolving security landscapes. Central to NATO's ethos is collective security, embodying the belief that unity fosters greater safety and strength...

Nima Samsami, CGI
Nima Samsami

Can AI make government services more human?

2023-07-27 While much attention on artificial intelligence (AI) has been focused on the commercial sector, AI and the public sector is a perfect fit. In fact, there are many use cases already for using AI to digitalize government services, including improving...

Bob Barr
Bob Barr

Five lessons learned for driving digital government adoption

2021-06-10 Interestingly, while meeting citizen expectations by becoming digital organizations persists as the top trend for national, state, provincial and local government executives in the CGI Voice of Our Clients interviews, those same interviews reveal that governments are trailing the private...

Steve Sousa
Steve Sousa

How automation can improve pandemic response in health care

2020-11-18 This blog discusses how health care organizations are using robotic process automation (RPA) to address needs created by the pandemic.

Melissa Boudreault
Melissa Boudreault

Public sector crisis management: planning technology in the response phase to support successful recovery

2020-05-01 Many governments are grappling with urgent pandemic challenges, from insufficient supplies, to evolving public health guidance, to disseminating timely and accurate information—all while making herculean efforts to “flatten the curve” to save lives. The tireless efforts of public servants at...

John Nemoto

Migrating to the hybrid cloud with an eye on modernization

2019-06-06 Any shift to a new IT architecture can be difficult. Migrating to a hybrid cloud may be one of the most challenging moves, given the vast number of legacy processes and services that an enterprise must reconcile or reposition across...

CGI's Manufacturing Practice
CGI's Manufacturing Practice

Envisioning new and hidden realities with data and augmented reality—a digital “twin city” example

2018-01-10 Data growth is providing endless opportunities to process and combine information to create new value chains. If data is the new gold, augmented reality (AR) is the shovel. Data visualization supported by AR will be the next game changer in...

Will LaBar
Will LaBar

Building smarter communities through public-private collaboration

2017-09-13 LEaRN is a smart community initiatives that pairs Louisiana Consolidated Government with the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and CGI. LEaRN is working to deploy 300 low-cost air quality sensors as part of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Smart City...