CGI All Payments is a modern, modular, cloud-ready solution built on global industry standards to ensure your payments business is future-proof. It helps you increase revenue by reducing transaction costs and time to market for new revenue streams. Customers also benefit from a wide range of payment choices and the ability to transfer and receive funds 24/7/365. As an integrated software platform for processing real-time, wire and ACH payments, CGI All Payments’ built-in work-flow engine helps automate the processing of payment transactions to reduce manual processing while improving straight-through processing (STP) rates across all payment types.

With CGI’s industry expertise and technical leadership, access to the latest payment channels is available anytime to ensure your business keeps up with customer demands, industry standards and compliance mandates.

CGI All Payments enables banks to drive revenue and achieve differentiation by

  • Adopting APIs to enhance the banking experience and stay ahead of new regulations such as Open Banking in the UK, which is driving online and mobile payment innovation
  • Providing new and innovative services such as SWIFT gpi and real-time payments to wholesale and retail clients 
  • Delivering a consistent and improved customer experience that enables instantaneous transfer and receipt of funds 24/7/365, with supportive data presented consistently
  • Leveraging data to build detailed trend analyses to gain insight into customer needs to drive development of value-added services
  • Monitoring liquidity thresholds and allowing adjustments at the touch of a button to address customer demands and changing business and market conditions
  • Balancing exception processing requests with internal STP targets