Think and design outside of the box

CGI embeds design into all aspects of our clients’ businesses - from products and services, to business strategy and policy development, to work processes and operational practices. We focus on driving value creation for clients on their digital journeys by instilling design thinking into their DNA. Our design expertise leads to a transformative, culture-changing mindset that combines creative problem solving with a deep understanding of and empathy for customer, citizen and employee needs, behaviors and challenges.

We have a global network of design practices with hundreds of experienced design practitioners located in close geographic proximity to our clients. Our design teams work and co-create jointly with clients through interdisciplinary teams. We drive the development of human-centered services, products, strategies and experiences through an agile, iterative, holistic and experimental approach that leverages the best design techniques, including visualizations and storytelling.

How we support a client’s design journey

  • Design workshop / design teaser: 1-2 day sessions to understand key issues through research, ideas, concept visualizations, management takeaways and hi-level roadmap / next steps
  • Expert assessment (gap analysis): 2-4 week deeper analysis, if required, resulting in an assessment report with specific actions / recommendations
  • Research / sprint / prototype: 1-2 weeks, customer / employee needs research, observations, tests; 1-2 week design sprint; 1-2 week rapid development of prototype and minimum viable product
  • Vision strategy and roadmap: 2-3 month full design cycle, including problem definition, user research, concepts, minimum viable product vision, business strategy; deliverables include a vision book covering strategy, roadmap, user experience, and business case development, along with recommendations for next steps
  • Flex design studio: Custom-staffed, flexible design team embedded into your organization to build and strengthen your design capabilities
  • Design coaching and training: Purpose is to permeate your organization with customer-centric thinking; through training and expert coaches we help you embrace agility, open-mindedness, human-centricity and design skills at all levels
  • Design / innovation factory: Holistic design function / team to ensure design is an integral part of your software development life cycle and delivers meaningful and valuable experiences—from strategy, to concept, to minimum viable product, to end-of-life

Enabling deaf people to converse by phone - anywhere, anytime

Born deaf, Finnish rap artist Signmark, became the first deaf music artist to be signed by an international record label - Warner Music. In 2015, his company, Signmark Productions, launched a new start-up, Chabla Ltd., to explore and develop new ways of breaking down communication barriers between the deaf and the hearing.

Leveraging CGI’s experience in service design, prototyping and mobile development, Signmark and CGI developed Chabla, a revolutionary app for sign language users. Chabla connects deaf individuals with interpreters around the world, allowing them to pick up the phone and converse with anyone quickly and easily at any time. 

Read the full case study

Find out how CGI can help you drive innovative and differentiated design across your enterprise.