The energy transition is characterized by distributed energy resources, new load profiles, the rise of prosumers, the uptake of electric vehicles, and the addition of storage in the pursuit of a decarbonized energy sector.

However, the energy transition is not just about energy technologies. It’s a transformation that is cultural and organizational. Importantly, it’s a transformation that is about data – access, quality and equality. In many ways, data is critical to the transformation as it is the basis upon which utilities will solve the foundational challenges of the transition.

Network service providers are at a point where, when they introduce a new service, they are struggling to realize the benefits they were hoping to realize – and one of the key reasons for this is due to a lack of easy access to quality relevant data.

Data historically has been siloed and held in separate operational and IT systems with limited integration. Furthermore, data on the energy resources that customers are connecting to the network is still quite limited for the needs of an intelligent grid.

In an article published by Smart Energy International, CGI’s Simon Boyer comments on these trends and challenges, and explains how CGI OpenGrid360 is positioned to help utilities more quickly deploy new capabilities by providing a platform to integrate increasing amounts of new data, from both internal and external sources.

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