Resource center

DDIO is an application developed by CGI, in collaboration with our client ProRail, that generates a tailored proposal for each disruption using an algorithm. Instead of securing the workplace optimally, which takes a lot of time, DDIO works much faster...

Our long-term collaboration with the DHSC allowed us to develop and seamlessly integrate their Microsoft D365 solution with our ePayfact payroll solution, driving efficiencies and better serving employees.

Our partnership with Delta Wellbeing has led to the creation of an innovative digital platform, revolutionising independent health and care support throughout Wales.

With better data and analytics, ProRail is moving towards condition-based and data-driven maintenance.

Under our GreenStart programme, the CGI Sustainability & Climate Change team helped TCH Group develop a robust sustainability strategy that will achieve its net zero goals.

MCC appointed us as Digital Technology Partner in 2021. They were looking to drive innovation, invest in change and bring technological advancement.

With our expertise in the Utilities sector and Smart Metering, CGI successfully managed the integration testing of the complex, multi-vendor smart metering solution for Great Britain.

CGI pioneered Smart Metering by introducing the first Smart Meters in 2006 as part of an innovative prepayment service.

A pivotal part of our involvement in COP27 in 2022, was to demonstrate the role that enhanced virtual collaboration can play in the fight against climate change. So we built a metaverse environment to meet, engage and discuss the key...