Creative atmosphere gathered like-minded teams together
CGI joined Junction 4th time in a row and once again we were amazed to be part of Junction Hackathon 2022. The event was held in Dipoli, Otaniemi with over one thousand participants.
In total almost 30 highly talented teams tackled our challenges
This year we got to be part of Junction Hackathon by offering two challenges:
1. Cruising with Robots
CGI partnered with KONE and Meyer Turku with challenge called "Cruising with Robots". The task was to imagine how to utilize robots in a cruise. Teams were encouraged to analyze the people flow of passengers and crew. The purpose was to combine those flows with robot flow. In the challenge it was also recommended to think service what is visible and non-visible for the cruise passengers.
2. Now Green Code you must
- Green Coding is a greener way to implement and run software - and that's why CGI had also it's own "Now Green Code you must" challenge. The task was to create a media website. The site was required to have data storage for different types of media files. It was supposed to have back-end service and a front-end application for users. Teams were free to use any technologies and tools - but the solution was meant to be as energy efficient as possible.
Interested in Green Coding? Read more here (in Finnish)
Hacking, hacking, hacking
The atmosphere at the venue was filled with excitement and joy. Of course the teams had their tough times as well when trying to discover the best possible ways to cover the challenges in every way. Hackathon teams had only 48 hours to tackle the challenges with innovative solutions.
For the "Cruising with Robots" challenge (created together with KONE and Meyer Turku), we got very inspiring results, whether it was a climbing robot on the roof or a smart watch for tracking passenger's service path. The winner team was C-HAL 9000 and the second place received a team called Laundry day is everyday. Congratulations to both teams!
For the "Now Green Code you must" challenge we got super interesting and deeply thought solutions. The winner team was Carbon: Green Audio Service and the second place received a team called 0x00ff00. Congratulations to both teams!
During the hackathon it was well proven that out of the box thinking is now more important than ever. We have lot of capabilities and data to utilize and make the world functioning in more sustainable and efficient way. It was also great to see such active participants and to discuss about the solutions what every team had to offer!
Congratulations to all the winning teams and thank you to all teams who joined our challenges!