As digital demands increase, those organizations that keep pace will thrive.

In an increasingly digital society, consumers and citizens have heightened expectations for their everyday interactions. As a result, digital leaders across industries seek new ways to use technology and information to improve how they operate, deliver products and services, and create value.

Most digital transformation programs have been in progress for many years. Yet, only 20% of the 1,695 executives interviewed for the 2021 CGI Voice of Our Clients indicate they are achieving expected results from their investment in digital transformation. While this is an improvement compared to 2020 (up from 16%), it clearly demonstrates that common barriers to transformation exist for leading commercial and government organizations. The sheer complexity and exponential changes these organizations face on an ongoing basis is monumental.

Given the importance of digital in today’s society, how can organizations achieve transformation and become digital leaders?

The answer is to strategically manage your organization’s digital value chain. 

This white paper discusses CGI’s concept of the digital value chain, examines the root causes of why digital transformation is so challenging, and shares the attributes of how digital leaders overcome those challenges.