AI is revolutionizing translation and subtitling in newsroom workflows 

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) offers the promise of accelerating workflows for producing live text subtitling at minimal cost, while also enabling broadcasters to expand their audience via auto-translations in multiple languages. However, accuracy remains an important issue because the current generation of AI-based tools can still make mistakes, which can result in reputational damage to the broadcaster if they’re not captured before transmission. 

OpenMedia’s integration with aiconix enables broadcasters to deploy a powerful combination of AI language processing with human editing, when required, for maximum accuracy, minimal delay and overhead costs—making it suitable for deployment on high-profile, live broadcasts.

OpenMedia and aiconix integration scheme

The aiconix solution

aiconix is a composite AI platform that uses existing best-in-class tools and brings them together into the broadcast workflow. Recently, the company has been focusing its effort on speech recognition, live transcription and translations. It offers:

  • High accuracy: aiconix uses a combination of AI language models for transcription along with live human editing to ensure peak accuracy. It’s cloud and model agnostic, allowing broadcasters to choose from 24 different languages. Also, a user-definable dictionary can be uploaded to ensure accuracy with names, specific terminology, and more.
  • Minimal delay: The delay of AI-based transcription can be adjusted depending on the quality of the output desired. While this can be—and is already—used directly for text output to subtitling, where absolute accuracy is required, a human editor can be bought in to further check and edit the output before broadcast. 
  • Customizable: An easy-to-use interface allows users to access a variety of different options, creating everything from single, fully automated subtitle workflows to more complex ones supporting a variety of simultaneous translations into multiple languages.


About aiconix 

aiconix GmbH is an AI technology enabler and solutions provider for analysis and processing of audio-visual content. With solutions such as automated live streaming transcription and subtitling, speech-to-text, facial recognition or AI analysis of media content, the company enables customers to add significant value to their audiovisual content production processes, gain innovative data insights and increase monetization. Learn more about aiconix.