
Resource center

South Africa’s public broadcaster fully integrates CGI dira radio solutions across its entire portfolio of 19 radio stations.

In 2020, FMM initiated a project to transition to CGI OpenMedia solution, run by a team with a strong focus on change management. Dedicated infrastructure was provisioned for OpenMedia rather than trying to share resources with existing systems, while workflows...

CGI’s OpenMedia system has been at the heart of the BBC’s news output during COVID-19. The system has played an important part in keeping services on-air, enabling the vast majority of BBC news staff to operate effectively and efficiently.

CGI helped Geneva-based Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) by developing a custom plug-in for its OpenMedia newsroom installation.

Learn how CGI’s OpenMedia optimizes the broadcast departments across MDR’s Regional Broadcasting Centre radio and television studios.

Learn how CGI’s OpenMedia platform has helped Corus Entertainment shift to a true multi-platform, content-centric news organization.

CGI’s machine learning solution helps the world’s largest Arabic video-on-demand (VOD) service enhance the user experience.