diagram describing uPair tools that create revenue

Unlock new revenue streams and reduce costs by incorporating eSIM services into your network.

As global communications companies are met with a variety of transformation challenges and the need to find creative new ways to generate income, CGI’s entitlements eSIM technology provides the tools your network needs to drive ROI.

uPair helps you offer smart wearable technology devices to your network customers by enabling the fast end-user activation of secondary eSIM services without the need for on-premises deployment.


Proven to scale and perform in tier 1 telco environments such as Telstra

uPair has a proven track record in high availability, mission critical environments and is a cost-effective entitlement service suitable for all operators. Our entitlement server eSIM solution offers fast, flexible deployments for private cloud or Saas that simplifies integration with your existing operational and business support systems.

Read the case study

man with apple watch

“uPair has been a highly successful value add service and boosted average revenue per user.” 

Miklos Horvath
Group Owner - Network Service Enablement, Telstra

Device pairing in 4 simple steps


Receive device pairing offer


Accept subscription offer


Securely login with
username and password


You are subscribed to
uPair one number

Deploy and integrate into a range of different products, devices and business systems

Ready to connect?

diagram explains how uPair interacts with third-party products, customers and mobile operators

Provisioning Support

Caters for multi-step provisioning processes and set up of complex network services

TMF Structure

Includes standard TMF interface support, provisioning and life cycle management functions. 


Simultaneously provides entitlement server solutions to multiple MVNO tenants

Telco Grade Assurance

Service assurance to guarantee optimal subscriber experiences

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uPair is a registered trademark of CGI Inc.