Speeding case processing through outsourcing.
With 5 million incoming cases each year, efficient administration of cases and a smooth information flow are required. With the support of a scanning system, the Swedish Transport Agency can today process all cases on the day of receipt.
What the Transport Angency needed
The Swedish Transport Agency was established in 2009 through the merger of various authorities. The Agency deals with railway, civil aviation, maritime and road traffic matters. The Traffic Registry Department within the Agency administers the road traffic registry and most forms involving vehicles and driving licenses are processed here.
Each year, the Traffic Registry Department processes nearly 5 million items. Efficient processing of these items requires a smooth system that can facilitate processing and support operations.
The challenge
The Swedish Transport Agency has offices in 15 locations around the country and the processing of the various cases is carried out at nine locations. Each day, between 15,000 and 20,000 items arrive and the aim is to process all documents on the day they arrive. An image capture system was implemented as early as 1991 that scans and interprets all incoming documents in special scanners. Subsequently, this system has been expanded and developed in pace with new requirements. To ensure that the scanning system would function as smoothly as possible and support operations and daily work, the Transport Agency decided to outsource administration and operation to an external supplier. The choice fell to CGI.
The solution
To facilitate processing of incoming case documentation, the process begins even before the document reaches the scanning unit. When the letters arrive by post, they are prepared and sorted so that the documents will be easy to scan.
The case documentation is then forwarded to the employees at the Transport Agency who handle case flow and are fed into the scanners. Some of the scanners produce digital copies that are later processed manually, while others interpret and “read” the documentation so that information is fed automatically into a case-processing system and then forwarded to the right case officer.
“After the document has been scanned, much of the processing is, of course, automatic. The case is forwarded directly to the relevant case officer regardless of geographical location. All documentation is also stored in an electronic archive that is then accessible to all case officers,” says Thomas Eriksson.
The result
Today, we operate and administrate the Transport Agency’s image capture system. Through efficient work procedures, the Transport Agency can provide faster and better service to customers without having to increase the workforce.
Since all personnel have access to the electronic archive simultaneously, regardless of geographic location, searching and retrieving archived material is quick and easy.
According to Thomas Eriksson, it would be impossible to handle the incoming documentation without the image capture system.
“It would require an enormous number of employees to handle it all. It would quite simply be impossible to operate the system manually.”
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