CGI Traffic360, a business process outsourcing service from CGI, offers both automated and manual processing of any type of transport-related data. It can be used to support a wide variety of transport applications, such as weight-in-motion, speed detection, traffic enforcement, traffic counting, cargo container monitoring, infrastructure maintenance and many others. Through CGI Traffic360, transport operators benefit from reliable, timely and cost-effective data processing.

CGI Traffic360 also offers a unique manual processing service for data collected via automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) technology. Often, ANPR technology does not deliver 100 percent plate number recognition. In addition, bad weather and other conditions often interfere with data collection. CGI Traffic360 was built to address these challenges. It manually processes data collected from ANPR technology, enabling transport operators to achieve 100 percent recognition rates, as well as benefit from more reliable data and reduced risks.

Key benefits

  • High-volume manual processing: Through CGI Traffic360, we currently processes more than 70 million ANPR photos each year, together with more than 80,000 hours of video from traffic monitoring systems.
  • Robust and reliable automated processing: CGI works closely with leading technology providers to provide robust and reliable automated processing capabilities.
  • Efficiency and cost savings: CGI Traffic360 enables transport operators to dramatically improve efficiencies and reduce overall costs by integrating automated and manual processing and leveraging economies of scale.
  • High flexibility: CGI Traffic360 can be integrated with existing road infrastructures or delivered via mobile gantries, allowing flexible, ad hoc controls and measurements at any chosen point along the transport network.
  • Unique expertise: CGI Traffic360 is a unique combination of CGI’s in-depth business process services, applications and transport industry expertise.

To learn more, contact us.  Â