Coffee break conversations on social and political conditions led a group of CGI members in Bangalore, India to turn their talk into action and reach out. The group decided to “adopt” a small village outside of Bangalore called IruligaraDoddi to help villagers challenged by limited employment, education and health care opportunities. Their goal was to provide ongoing assistance, and it’s something they’ve been doing now since November 2012.
Twice a month CGI members travel about 45 miles to IruligaraDoddi to offer support and encouragement through a variety of activities. The group has collected and distributed shoes, clothes, backpacks and school supplies. In fact, every month, they replenish the school supplies to ensure every child has what he or she needs.
Members also host educational sessions, medical camps and celebrate important festivals with the villagers. For the festival of Ugadi, which is the villagers’ New Year’s Day celebration, the team provided each young girl in the village with a new dress.
In addition, activities for children, such as a magician’s show, drawing competition and sports are organized. The team collected sports equipment for the kids and spends time teaching them traditional Indian games.
Colleagues in Bangalore help fund these activities by sponsoring village children.
“We believe that corporate social responsibility is really in effect ‘my’ social responsibility,” said Gopal Kershi, a consultant in Bangalore who leads the overall initiative. “Our goal is to empower the needy and, in turn, build a stronger India. The more we give to these villagers, the more we receive.”