Fairfax, Virginia, April 28, 2009

As American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds begin to flow from federal agencies to states and localities, recipients face stringent reporting guidelines. While recently released guidance from OMB clarifies where and how grant recipients will have to report, the onus is on states and localities to develop and implement a compliant reporting system to meet the first reporting deadline, currently set at July 10, 2009.

CGI Group Inc. (TSX: GIB.A; NYSE: GIB), a leading provider of information technology and business process services, today announced its ARRA Reporting Gateway solution to help federal agencies, states, localities and large commercial ARRA fund recipients meet ARRA-mandated reporting requirements. The CGI gateway helps recipients aggregate, validate and submit reports via the FederalReporting.gov Web site. The CGI gateway also helps federal agencies efficiently manage high volumes of reports from recipients.

"While most states and localities welcome the recovery funds, they now face extraordinary pressure to meet ARRA reporting requirements by July 10," said Caroline Rapking, Vice-President, State and Local Government, CGI. "Most potential recipients do not have the necessary reporting infrastructure to adequately address these requirements. CGI's ARRA Reporting Gateway can help with an onsite or hosted solution so recipients can get up and running quickly."

CGI's ARRA Reporting Gateway is modeled after the approach used by the Environmental Protection Agency's Central Data Exchange (CDX) to collect environmental data from states. Based on open source technology, the CGI gateway solution provides a simple, flexible architecture designed to meet recovery reporting information exchange needs. Recipients and federal agencies can choose to implement the solution at their site or leverage CGI's Phoenix, AZ, application hosting facility, which is fully compliant with federal financial management shared services and security standards.

To learn more about CGI's ARRA Reporting Gateway, as well as other ARRA-focused offerings for all levels of government, visit www.cgi.com/recovery.

About CGI
Founded in 1976, CGI Group Inc. is one of the largest independent information technology and business process services firms in the world. CGI and its affiliated companies employ approximately 25,000 professionals. CGI provides end-to-end IT and business process services to clients worldwide from offices in Canada, the United States, Europe, Asia Pacific as well as from centers of excellence in North America, Europe and India. CGI's annual revenue run rate stands at $4.0 billion and at December 31, 2008, CGI's order backlog was $11.4 billion. CGI shares are listed on the TSX (GIB.A) and the NYSE (GIB) and are included in the S&P/TSX Composite Index as well as the S&P/TSX Capped Information Technology and MidCap Indices. Website: www.cgi.com.


For more information:

Peter Cutler
Director, Communications