Tried, tested and trusted, CGI was a clear choice for the development and launch of innovative fishing app, finScribe.

An entrepreneur and enthusiastic angler, finScribe’s founder is an established member of the British fishing community. Frustrated with the limitations of paper-based logbooks, he wanted to invest to develop a more modern, comprehensive approach to recording fishing activity.

Angling for an app

A user-friendly app that enables anglers to create comprehensive digital activity records was the clear solution. It had to be a platform that gave users the ability to create permanent, detailed accounts of catches, locations, water’s edge photographs and experiences. The user experience also had to be streamlined and straightforward, so it wouldn’t detract from the thrill and excitement of the fishing experience.

And with some fishing locations a closely guarded secret, and others a social hub, it was important the solution permitted anglers to share their activity records as widely, or exclusively, as they wished. For this, social media mechanics were important but had to be sensitive to user preference, enabling people to either involve themselves within the community or keep their logs private. 

finScribe app for fishing where the end user can register the fish they caught

Free of charge, user-friendly and customisable

Available on iOS and Android

The CGI team has been instrumental in realising my vision of creating an app for recreational anglers.

Caspar Bowes Director, finScribe

Casting our net

With a strong working relationship already in place, finScribe had confidence in CGI’s ability to develop this niche application. Starting in December 2021 with a series of discovery workshops we worked closely with finScribe to prioritise user requirements and armed with a defined end product, and clear plans for future developments after the launch of version one,  the project was launched on time and on budget in June 2022. 

Covering the UK, plus 17 other countries including France, Norway, New Zealand, USA and many others, the customised app allows users to pinpoint their location, add imagery and create comprehensive logs. It also locates waterways in the user’s area, pinpoints which section of a water body the angler is at and allows users to view other fishing logs.

finScribe app fish selection screen
finScribe fishing app multiple screen views

Key benefits

  • Pinpoints the location of the catch and waterway, giving anglers the knowledge and opportunity to fish in the same area again
  • Allows anglers to input the species, weight, size, method, time, location and date of their catch
  • Searches waterways for new fishing locations with indications of what fish are available to be caught in that area
  • Ability for anglers to share fishing activity with others via other applications and platforms
  • Customisable to the angler’s fishing preference and activity giving them a unique and bespoke user experience
  • Available on iOS and android