Working to close the gender pay gap
At CGI, we recognise the richness and significant benefits that diversity brings to a business. Very simply - we cannot be an effective, innovative or creative organisation if we don’t bring together a broad range of perspectives and attitudes. We know that harnessing this diversity creates a more effective workplace for our members and, subsequently, produces positive results for our clients.
Our gender pay gap data is valuable in delivering greater transparency, helping us to understand why our business, and the wider technology industry, is missing out on female talent. We are also using this data to support our plans to attract, retain and develop a diverse and talented population.
While our UK gender pay gap is significantly better than the tech sector average (25%)1, we acknowledge we have work to do and are committed to a stronger gender balance. We have already set in motion a number of initiatives (see full report for detail) to further close our gender pay gap and these form part of our Diversity & Inclusion Strategy.
Tara McGeehan - President, CGI UK
The following charts show data as of the snapshot date of 5 April 2017.
1 Source: Trailblazing Transparency: Mending the Gap, Government Equalities Office in partnership with Deloitte, Feb 2016
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