The application process
All applications are made via our website. Please make sure that you complete a ClearTalents assessment when you apply
– it’s really easy to use. It’s just a few questions about you that will ensure we can accommodate any reasonable
adjustments you may need during the assessment process.
Online application form
Short screening call
Assessment centre
Offer and induction
Application hints & tips
We assess each candidate consistently against our requirements and CGI's core competencies. Please click on each section
below to find out more about each stage of the process.
- Application form
Our online application form is relatively short, as we prefer to get to know you personally. It checks you meet our minimum requirements, captures personal details so we can contact you, and gives you the opportunity to showcase your key skills, abilities and capabilities. A member of our Student Recruitment team here in the UK screens the application form against our business requirements and the competencies listed above.
Our top hints & tips are:
- Be honest – we’ll verify all results and statements of achievement during the process.
- Be inclusive – we’re interested in all your skills and experiences so don’t just write down the ones you think we’re interested in; we want to know everything about you!
- Be passionate – we want people who want to work for us, so use the application form to show why you’ve chosen CGI over one of our competitors.
- Spelling and Grammar - please check for mistakes in spelling and grammar before you submit your application. Although the online application doesn’t have a spell-check facility, you can type the details into a Microsoft Word document or similar and use the checking facilities available. Remember that it will not pick up words spelt correctly but used incorrectly so do please read your form through first. If you’ve spent some time working on the form, have a break before proofreading, or perhaps ask a friend to read it so you get a fresh view.
- Screening call
If your application meets what we are looking for then we will call you for a short telephone screening. The purpose of the screening call is really to expand upon the application form. Here we are mainly looking to see if your business unit preference and location preference is a match for our live role availability. We may also ask you some more questions about your application.
Our top hints & tips are:
- Try to make sure you don’t have distractions or noise around you. We don’t usually schedule our screening calls so don’t be afraid to ask if you can call back at another time, as we’d prefer you to be able to concentrate and ask any questions!
- Assessment centre
You may be invited to an assessment centre after the screening call. The assessment centre comprises different exercises, normally a group exercise, written exercise and interview. Sometimes you may have your interview or have a second interview on a separate day.
- The group exercise
- We run the group exercise because CGI values collaboration and cooperation, it helps us deliver the most competitive and innovative ideas to our clients.
- At the Assessment Centre, two to three interviewers will observe and assess skills against our competency matrix.
- Along with other candidates, you'll be asked to read some information and work as a group to come up with a solution to a problem.
- you don’t need to come prepared with any specific knowledge beforehand.
- The written exercise
- The written exercise is a timed, hand-written assessment designed to assess your written communication skills.
- You have 30 minutes to complete the exercise by answering one question using a report format and a structured argument based on a case study given to you.
- There are no right or wrong answers; we are looking at the way you present your work and the argument.
- Our biggest tip here would be to plan your exercise so that you finish the test within 30 minutes and to check spelling and grammar.
- The interview
If your application meets what we are looking for then we will call you for a short telephone screening. The purpose of the screening call is really to expand upon the application form. Here we are mainly looking to see if your business unit preference and location preference is a match for our live role availability. We may also ask you some more questions about your application.
Our top hints & tips are:
- Try to make sure you don’t have distractions or noise around you. We don’t usually schedule our screening calls so don’t be afraid to ask if you can call back at another time, as we’d prefer you to be able to concentrate and ask any questions!
- What do we look for?
We like it when you can show a clear drive to start a successful career within the IT sector and a clear passion for working for CGI. Your ability to listen and communicate is important because the success of our business depends on our ability to engage with our clients and get under the skin of their organisations. As well as an inquisitive mind, you’ll therefore need to be a strong relationship builder. You’ll need to be flexible, open to sharing ideas and truly collaborative in your approach.
Students applying for our IT apprenticeships will usually be studying a STEM/Computing subject at school or college. If you have not but can show computer programming or development ability through work experience or extracurricular activities that is great too and we would welcome your application. You don’t need to be studying any specific qualifications for our Business Apprenticeships.
CGI Graduate and Apprenticeship brochures
Forget about labels and forget about GenXYZ. #GENERATIONCGI is our early careers and graduate recruitment campaign designed with a goal to inspire you, the next generation, to be yourselves and make your mark on our business.
Download the graduate brochure
Download the apprenticeship brochure