On 8 November 2018, CGI’s Communications sector experts, Alan Nunn and Andrew Palmer took part in Ovum’s webinar: The Next Frontier: From Communications Service Provider to Digital Service Provider based on the homonym research report. The webinar presented by Kris Szaniawski Ovum Telecoms Operations & IT Team Practice Leader, looked at the key and most striking findings of the recent research.
While digital transformation has become a core priority for communications services providers (CSPs), underpinning an increasing proportion of their investment decisions as they seek to shift to more digitally focused operating models, CSPs are struggling to understand what to prioritise, daunted by the sheer quantity of technology areas they need to address, spanning automation and network management, cybersecurity, big data analytics, AI, machine learning (ML), robotic process automation (RPA) and IoT.
But there is light at the end of the tunnel, find out how CSPs can navigate their way on the digital transformation journey.