The Next Frontier: From Communications Service Provider to Digital Service Provider research report in association with Ovum, observes how digital transformation has become a core priority for communications services providers (CSPs), underpinning an increasing proportion of their investment decisions as they seek to shift to more digitally focused operating models.
However, CSPs are struggling to understand what to prioritise, daunted by the sheer quantity of technology areas they need to address, spanning automation and network management, cybersecurity, big data analytics, AI, machine learning (ML), robotic process automation (RPA) and IoT. CSPs are putting considerable energy into modernising their networks, IT platforms, operations and business processes, but in many cases this investment is not filtering down to the customer level and risks not delivering any assumed financial benefits.
Operators recognise that they need to prioritise the delivery of a leading customer experience, but they are struggling to implement the appropriate process, operational and organisational changes required to support it. Unless digital transformation is successful, CSPs risk being left behind as new technologies such as 5G place even more demands on the existing organisations to transform and adopt digital technologies.
The study confirms our experience at CGI that many CSPs are already using digital technologies to build and strengthen customer relationships as well as improve operational efficiencies to drive real business value. But there is more to be done as linking technology more closely to business goals can transform the competitive and operational performance of CSPs, equipping them with the speed and responsiveness they need to outpace rivals and win. The firms that move quickest to harness the potential of digital transformation will be best placed to meet the challenge of Europe’s customer-driven telecoms markets.
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