We enable the forest industry to innovate, implement modern technology and manage the sustainability of their products.

The forest industry is modernising and investing more in new businesses based on the bioeconomy. We help forest-based companies to seize the opportunities offered by digitalisation and automation. At the same time, we help our customers to invest in sustainability and reduce CO2 emissions.

Autamme metsäteollisuutta innovoimaan uutta, hyödyntämään modernia teknologiaa ja hallitsemaan tuotteiden vastuullisuutta.

Metsäteollisus uudistuu ja investoinnit biotalouteen perustuvaan uuteen liiketoimintaan lisääntyvät. Autamme metsäteollisuuden yrityksiä hyödyntämään digitalisaation ja automaation tuomia mahdollisuuksia. Tämän lisäksi autamme asiakkaitamme panostamaan kestävään kehitykseen sekä CO2-päästöjen vähentämiseen.


of industry leaders state that sustainability is at the heart of their business


CGI industry experts serving you worldwide


years is the average length of customer relationships with our TOP 10 industry peers


How can we support your business?

glass globe in hands

How can data analytics benefit forest sector in terms of biodiversity? How the digital carbon footprint can be significantly reduced? How to effectively combine ESG data to support decision making?

glass globe in hands

There is an incredible amount of data in forests and nature, but how do you use it as a competitive advantage? We enable efficient forest management with our Erath observation (EO) services.

Digital services

Take advantage of the most effective digital channel to reach your customers and employees. We can help you with your mobile development challenges, whether you're looking for a pre-produced mobile solution or building a completely new mobile service.

Internet of Things (IoT) banner

The Internet of Things brings together different methods for collecting data in real time from the field and sites to enable real-time reporting and response.

Enterprise data management (EDM) banner

The main objective of Enterprise Data Management (EDM) is to enable Company’s profitable growth. EDM is a business-driven management model that ensures that data supply meets the strategic objectives of data consumption.

AMS & SIAM banner

Application services often form a complex and difficult to manage entity. Ensure cost-effective management and maintenance of IT services and service providers with our Application Management Services (AMS) and System Integration and Management (SIAM) services.


Discover customer stories from the forest industry

Stora Enso ja CGI laajentavat yhteistyötään metsätoimialalla digitaalisen transformaation ja kestävän kehityksen edistämiseksi

CGI will help Stora Enso's Forest division accelerate its digital transformation and sustainability goals

Expanded cooperation covers project, application management and consulting services, for example, the development of services for forest owners both in Finland and abroad. We have previously helped Stora Enso, for example, to create a biodiversity dashboard

Read more about CGI and Stora Enso's cooperation (FI)