
CGI USE ServiceNow is Fingrid’s chosen platform for its Datahub support and maintenance services. Both the features and usability of this cloud-based service have been continuously enhanced since its deployment in spring 2019.

Fingrid’s Datahub is a centralised information exchange system for the electricity retail market. It stores information about electricity consumption and contracts, as well as Finland’s 3.9 million electricity metering points. This data is used by 81 distribution network companies, 74 electricity suppliers and 25 service providers. The Datahub also serves authorities, system suppliers and end customers (electricity users).

Datahub was deployed in February 2022, but CGI USE was already up and running during the project’s pre-deployment phase. This stemmed from an amendment to the Electricity Market Act, which required electricity market operators to send their datahub adoption plans to the Energy Authority and Fingrid.

“There’s been both a growing need for support and an increased demand on customer services within the industry, and email would not have been enough to meet it. We also wanted everyone to be comfortable using the support service before Datahub went live. We therefore decided to introduce CGI USE ServiceNow before Datahub’s official launch,” says Minna Arffman, Director at Fingrid Datahub Oy.

Ketterän kehityksen tiimi
user experience
is one of our strategic goals.
Over the past year and a half, we’ve significantly improved the support service’s guidance, reporting and resource efficiency. Cooperation with CGI’s ServiceNow team has been smooth, efficient and professional

Minna Arffman Director, Fingrid Datahub Oy

Agile development helps meet customer needs

Datahub has now been running at full steam for about 18 months, which has increased the amount of reporting on operational activities and service level monitoring in CGI USE. CGI USE ServiceNow is Datahub’s primary channel for customer service, feedback and development ideas. It helps market participants by, for example, answering questions and resolving issues related to Datahub deployment, certification, processes and testing.

Agile ServiceNow -tiimi kanban boardilla

“An agile approach has been used to continuously develop Datahub’s support services to better meet both Fingrid’s internal organisational needs and the needs of customers. The service has been streamlined across the board so that market participants can find the information they need as easily as possible. For example, the latest update simplified the contact form,” says Arffman.

Market participants can contact Datahub’s support team via the portal, which also features a self-service knowledge base. Support requests sent via Datahub are automatically directed to the correct support team. Portal users can track the progress of their ticket in real time and continue to communicate via the portal throughout the process. Consumer contacts are also routed to CGI USE.

Successful user experience is one of our strategic goals

In the electricity market, Fingrid is known for its contributions to the building of a strong and reliable grid. The company takes the same dedicated approach to its customer service, and one of Fingrid’s strategic goals is to enhance its service experience. This is being achieved by, for example, using CGI USE to monitor customer service and its quality. Fingrid bases its service resourcing on the number of tickets and their classification, and also uses this data to identify areas in which communications and support are particularly needed.

“When contacts are automatically directed to the right experts, our business becomes more efficient, transparent and flexible. A single system also makes it easy to keep track of service hours. We’re currently developing our onboarding of market participants, that is, the process through which a market participant becomes a Fingrid Datahub customer,” says Arffman.

Fingridin sähkölinjoja
CGI:n Nina Ahola-Virkki ja Fingridin Minna Arffman

Service design pilot generates new ideas for developing customer service

In order to provide even better service experiences, Fingrid and CGI carried out a service design pilot in early 2023 in collaboration with Datahub’s customers and customer support team. The results will be used to further develop the customer service process.

“Over the past year and a half, we’ve significantly improved the support service’s guidance, reporting and resource efficiency. Cooperation with CGI’s USE team has been smooth, efficient and professional. They’ve also given us some new development ideas,” says Arffman.

Nina Ahola-Virkki, Director of Consulting Services at CGI, has found both the project and the post-project development work with the client very rewarding. Cooperation has been effortless and agile. Both the client and the developers have shown great commitment, which has in turn led to even closer cooperation.

“The client has been impressed with our ServiceNow technological expertise, our industry knowledge and the quality of our deliveries. We understand our client’s needs very well and can propose cost-effective and end-user-friendly solutions,” says Ahola-Virkki.


Nina Ahola-Virkkiasiantuntijapalveluiden johtaja, CGI

Kuvat: Fingrid ja CGI