Tomorrow, today. 12 bright ideas to prepare your business for tomorrow, today.
Cyber Security
Stay safe in a digital world
Cyber attacks are on the increase, with people, networks and devices routinely targeted. How confident are you about your organisation’s ability to respond to cyber security threats?
Following a number of high profile cyber security breaches last year, CGI carried out research to investigate how well-equipped boardroom business leaders are to deal with ever evolving cyber security threats. We talked to 150 C-suite executives from the UK’s largest organisations across banking, insurance, telecoms, retail and utilities. From this, we discovered that:
- Telco and utilities are the most ‘at risk’ sectors
- In 40% of utilities firms cyber security makes the boardroom agenda just twice each year
- More than a third of C-suite executives believe their organisation will suffer a cyber security breach in the next 12 months
- Average estimated annual cost of a breach is £1.2m
- Eight out of ten boardrooms say they have increased the scrutiny of their cyber defences since late 2015.
We can help you prepare for, and respond to, these threats as cyber security is part of everything we do.