In an era where digital transformation reshapes industries, trust stands as the invisible force behind every groundbreaking partnership and technological advancement. Join us as we explore conversations with visionary leaders who share how trust – through credibility, reliability, and innovation – has become the catalyst for their organizations' most significant breakthroughs and the foundation for lasting business relationships.
Inspiring moments watching, listening to and reading the episodes!
"People need to see beyond transactional rewards"
In this episode, Arto Kuusinen shares experiences with Anssi Rönnemaa, CFO from HMD Global on how strategic partnerships can drive successful businesses.
"Don’t underestimate that it’s people who are building the partnership, it’s not the legal agreement, the partnership goes between people. Usually, it’s two people who bring companies together, and then the teams follow”, Anssi states.
"The whole thing is to pull IT and business people together around the same table"
In this episode, Jari Välimäki picks the brain of DNA CTO and CIO Sari Leppänen on her experience with strategic partnerships in digital business.
“We talk about fusion teams, value streams et cetera, and the whole thing is to pull IT and business people together around the same table. That is what we need to create added value for customers and business in the digital business era”, Sari explains.
“Asioita pitää tehdä niin, että kaikki voittavat”
Jari Poromaa, Varsinais-Suomen hyvinvointialueen tietohallintojohtaja ja Jari Välimäki keskustelevat Built on Trust -podcastin jaksossa siitä, mitä julkisella sektorilla vaaditaan siirtymiseen perinteisestä toimittaja-asiakasmallista kohti strategisia kumppanuuksia.
“Luottamuksen rakentuminen ottaa aikaa ja vaatii keskustelua. Ne voivat yllättää jopa vuosien päästä, syntyä vasta sitten liiketoimintasuhteeksi, mutta ilman luottamusta sitä on vaikea tyhjästä tehdä."
"If transformation is just a buzzword, it’s not expanding the business to a new area"
Jari Välimäki, CGI's Vice President and Head of Major Client Business in Finland, Poland and Baltics, shares thoughts on the transformation from transactional client business model to partnerships in the manufacturing industry with Glaston's Vice President of ICT and Digitalization Janne Puhakka.
“You need time to build trust, that’s important. It’s also important that companies’ cultures need to match - not only on the ICT level, but on the business level. If that happens, we have a very good foundation to do something.”
“If you want to invest in the future, you need to invest in AI, cloud and data”
Our new podcast series Built on Trust starts with a bang, as our Vice President of Global Business Engineering Arto Kuusinen sat down with Nokia Head of Enterprise and Services Cloud Yilmaz Karayilan to compare notes and share their opinions on how they view the role of strategic partnerships in IT for businesses.
“A strategic partnership is a must. We need to know our limitations and admit those, and rather than trying to copy or develop what’s already in place, figure out a business model where we can leverage those partnerships”, states Yilmaz.