Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne in his Autumn Statement last December and the Budget Statement this March continues with his practice of announcing changes to taxation for future tax years. CGI has again produced its popular Pay Facts card that puts together the salient points for the 2015/16 tax year.

Some of the payroll related information for the 2015/16 tax year is provided below with additional information available for download.

Income tax rates

Income tax rates
Income tax rates 2014/15 2015/16
Rate Taxable income bands
Basic rate 20% £ 0 – 31,865 £ 0 – 31,785
Higher rate 40% £ 31,866 – 150,000 £ 31,786 – 150,000
Additional rate 45% over £ 150,000 over £ 150,000
Income tax reliefs
Income tax reliefs 2014/15 2015/16
Single Person's Allowance
Persons born after 5 April 1948 £ 10,000 £ 10,600
Persons born 6 April 1938 to 5 April 1948 £ 10,500 £ 10,600
Persons born before 6 April 1938 £ 10,660 £ 10,660
Income Limit for Personal Allowances £ 100,000 £ 100,000
allowance reduced by 50% of excess
Marriage Allowance
Couples and civil partners can transfer 10% of their allowance if neither is a higher or additional rate taxpayer £1,060
Married Couple's Allowance (born before 6 April 1935)
Minimum £ 3,140 £ 3,220
Maximum £ 8,165 £ 8,355
Tax rate for relief 10% 10%
Income Limit
for Allowances (born before 6 April 1938) £ 27,000 £ 27,700
allowance reduced by 50% of excess but not below level of main personal allowances unless income is above £100,000
Blind Person's £ 2,230 £ 2,290

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Personal savings allowance

A personal savings allowance will be introduced from 2016/17. It will be £1,000 for basic rate taxpayers and £500 for higher rate taxpayers. No allowance will be available to additional rate taxpayers.

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Company cars

The company car benefit now includes a charge for zero emission cars.

The company car fuel benefit charge multiplier rises from £ 21,700 in 2014/15 to £ 22,100 in 2015/16.

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Company vans

The van benefit charge is index-linked and rises from £ 3,090 in 2014/15 to £ 3,150 in 2015/16.

A charge for zero emission vans is introduced.

The van fuel benefit charge is index-linked and rises from £581in 2014/15 to £594 in 2015/16

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A new tax-free childcare scheme will be introduced from the autumn of 2015 and over time, replace the existing system of employer supported childcare. The government will support working families with 20% of their childcare costs up to £ 2,000 per child per year. In addition, the government will increase childcare support within Universal Credit.

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Statutory Payments

Statutory Payments
Statutory Payments
Weekly values 2014/15 2015/16
Earnings threshold £ 111.00 £ 112.00
Statutory sick pay
Standard rate £ 87.55 £ 88.45
The 2015/16 rate of SSP is payable from 6 April 2015
Statutory maternity pay
Standard rate £ 138.18 £ 139.58
Higher rate 90% of average weekly earnings 90% of average weekly earnings
Statutory adoption pay
Standard rate £ 138.18 £ 139.58
Higher rate n/a 90% of average weekly earnings
Ordinary statutory paternity pay
Additional statutory paternity pay
Shared parental pay
Standard rate £ 136.78 £ 138.18
Standard rate is limited to 90% of average weekly earnings
The 2015/16 rates of SMP, SAP, OSPP, ASPP and ShPP are payable from the first full statutory payment week starting on or after Sunday 5 April 2015.

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Employment allowance

From April 2014, businesses, community sports clubs and charities will be entitled to an employment allowance of up to £ 2,000 per year. The employment allowance can be used to reduce the employer’s (also called secondary) national insurance contributions by up to £ 2,000.

From April 2015, care and support employers may claim employment allowance for the 2015/16 and subsequent tax years.

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