Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) supports sustained growth and higher skills across the UK economy. It does everything possible to drive growth - from investing in skills to making markets more dynamic and reducing regulation, and from promoting trade to boosting innovation and helping people start and grow a business.

What BIS Needed

BIS’s business requirements and also the underlying technology had changed since the legacy legal case management system had been implemented. Therefore, BIS realised the need for a new and upgraded system.

The Challenge

The business had changed since the first Hermes system was implemented and the Directorate was faced with a system that was aging, inflexible and expensive to adapt to support the evolving business requirements.

BIS was looking to meet the following objectives with the new system:

  • Provide a case management system that supported its current business processes going forward and was going to be flexible for future requirements
  • Reduce annual running costs and future costs on the Department
  • Reduce the risk of a service failure by upgrading to technology that was fully supported by the manufacturers.

Our Answer

At the core of the project was a redevelopment of the Hermes I system in today’s technology, bearing in mind future technology. We also changed and developed new functionality within the system that matched a changing business environment. We achieved BIS’ aim of delivering a new management information module that provided their management with better control of the business. BIS realised the need for new and high performing infrastructure; something we delivered for them, adding resilience and improved security to the mix.

A Success Story

Hermes II is a faster, more intuitive, up to date, future proof system than the users had before. It allows more control over business process, provides higher levels of automation and better management information. The users of the system required very little training and the implementation process from the beginning to end was very straightforward, with no disruption to business activities.


We are known for our flexible and collaborative culture and way of working. Our innovative and practical solutions are tailored to meet the client’s needs. We work closely with public sector agencies and are one of the leading IT and business service suppliers to the Government/public sector.

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