Each year, CGI meets face-to-face with business and IT leaders to hear their views on the trends affecting their organizations. In 2018, we conducted 78 in-person interviews with transportation, post and logistics executives to learn more about their top trends and priorities.

Digital transformation remains top trend

For the second year in a row, becoming digital organizations is the top cited trend among the transportation, post and logistics executives we interviewed, with protecting through cybersecurity in second place. Adopting mobile technologies to improve field crew operations and customer engagement, along with investing in analytics technologies to increase asset visibility, are the next top trends. Regulatory compliance remains in the top five trends this year, thanks to the emergence of new regulatory schemes such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Digital strategies start to take hold

Sixty-four percent of the transportation, post and logistics executives we interviewed have a digital strategy in place, while 27% are starting to build their digital strategies. For those executives with a defined digital transformation strategy, 47% say their organizations are launching, operationalizing or realizing the results of an internally focused enterprise digital strategy, while 46% are in similar stages with an enterprise strategy extending to external partners and suppliers. These numbers are above the global averages.

Culture change is top challenge to digital transformation

In 2018, the executives we interviewed in this sector cite the challenge of hiring the right digital leaders as their primary barrier to achieving transformation objectives, followed by technology and legacy constraints.

Benchmarking internal IT and more

This year, business and IT executives interviewed ranked their satisfaction with their own IT organizations based on 10 key attributes of a world-class IT organization. Business leaders in this sector assessed their satisfaction with internal IT at a much lower level than their IT counterparts. In fact, they graded their satisfaction 1.7 points below IT leadersā€”reflecting the largest satisfaction gap for this attribute compared to other industries covered in our interviews.

CGI can provide clients with a discussion of all available benchmarking, including each clientā€™s positioning, on topics such as digital maturity, IT budgets, IT satisfaction, innovation investments and more.

Discover the insight

Download the 2018 CGI Client Global Insights transportation, post and logistics summary infographicĀ for additional trend information. We also invite you toĀ request a copy of our full reportĀ and to arrange a personal discussion with a CGI expert for further analysis and insights.

Also see the 2017 CGI Client Global Insights industry summaries.