While strategies must continue to focus on sustained growth, cost reductions and operational excellence, manufacturers must now also factor in the new Industry 5.0 goals. This requires a complete rewrite of the rule book and deeper understanding of production and business processes across the factory as well as digital and physical supply chains. It requires manufacturers to operate with a much more common view, understanding and commitment across business, operations and IT.

Our value driven approach

CGI’s framework, called Manufacturing Atlas is a business value driven approach. We work closely with our clients building up or validating their vision on digitizing their operations and results in a transformation roadmap as to realize, manage and maintain that vision.

The Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) maturity model and assessment is an intrinsic part of our Manufacturing Atlas framework offering clients a clear understanding of their current ‘digital’ maturity.

How does it work?

Manufacturing Operations Management is not all or just about technology. Performance improvement requires optimization in a best balanced way of the aspects: Processes, Organization, Technology and Information (POTI).

Our expert teams start with a maturity assessment on site covering all relevant domains (production, maintenance, inventory & quality) to gain insight in the current MOM maturity level. Improvement potential can then be defined reflecting the current state as an outcome of the assessment against CGI’s reference.

The MOM maturity uplift will be implemented through execution of the improvement program including necessary support, coaching & training of staff involved. The approach described here is setup to be delivered in 2-3 weeks.

Value delivered

With a MOM Maturity Assessment the typical benefits range from a clear (future) MOM vision, goals and objectives and tangible enterprise-wide business drivers. Using the MOM Business Function Model canvas there’s clear and improved insights in current MOM maturity level and focus points for improvement. The complete Enterprise Architecture Blueprint (system demarcation & applications) we use is one of the practical benefits to be used as part of the improvement plan and both embedded and improved governance structure.

If you are interested in assessing or validating your operations, please contact us.