Resource center

Andy Schmidt
Andy Schmidt

Deliver outcomes by simplifying your vendor strategy

16 September 2024 One of the pandemic era’s lasting legacies is the tsunami of service contracts and niche technology providers it unleashed on the market. As companies looked for ways to avoid sinking into a sea of disruption, they invested heavily in a...

Eliza Lott
Eliza Lott

Financial services guardrails for AI explainability, ethics and trust

29 May 2024 For centuries the financial services sector has pioneered enhanced services and engaging customer experiences (CX) through innovation. In its growing popularity, artificial intelligence (AI) is further revolutionising the industry with advancements in machine learning, predictive analytics, and natural language processing...

Geoffrey Lash
Geoffrey Lash

Commercial client onboarding as a competitive advantage

28 May 2024 Financial institutions have consistently neglected and understaffed client onboarding and client life cycle management (CLM) activities, leading to suboptimal client experiences. While the outlook for mergers and acquisitions anticipates a soft rebound in the latter half of 2024, the banking...

Teri Musick
Teri Musick

Adapting to AI: Applying Agile techniques in government

15 May 2024 Artificial intelligence, if agencies implement it strategically, could have a profound influence on how government agencies operate and interact with their user communities. Indeed, AI is already having an impact where agencies have begun to leverage its capabilities. AI is...

Abhay Deshmukh
Abhay Deshmukh

Navigating the integration of AI with anti-money laundering

12 May 2024 As financial crime continues to increase, banks are working to improve their risk-based anti-money laundering (AML) strategies. Because of the extensive data required for AML regulatory compliance and the growing intricacy of criminal methods, banks are under pressure to continually...

Tara McGeehan
Tara McGeehan

Preparing for the emerging cyber frontier by adopting a holistic approach

1 May 2024 As I watch the news and talk to senior clients and my peers in leading organisations the issue of cyber security is a constant theme. In today’s increasingly uncertain and interconnected digital world, the impact of cyber threats is far-reaching...

Dave Richards
Dave Richards

Powering the transformation from telco to techco

9 April 2024 In an era where digital disruption is the new normal, the telecommunications industry stands at a critical crossroad. As the global industry lead for communications and media at CGI, I am fascinated about the pivotal transformation traditional telecom companies (telcos)...

Lee Almond
Lee Almond

How to speed up your transformation delivery – there is no panacea, but there are always ways to do it!

1 April 2024 Why you need a clear vision and a strong team Whether you are leading or supporting a transformation programme, you probably have a goal to deliver it as quickly and efficiently as possible, to maximise the benefits for your customers...

Craig Brown
Craig Brown

Living with security monitoring: a tale of benign noise and blind spots

7 February 2024 I remember the excitement when I installed security cameras around my house. Doorbells with eyes, night vision sentinels on the roof – they promised constant vigilance, a digital guardian angel watching over my bricks and mortar. And for a while...