Wouter Paul Trienekens is a certified Solution Architect (SEI) and has over 30 years of experience in national and international consultancy. As an expert in Enterprise & Solution Architecture and large scale transformations, he has experience in working abroad and with international teams as well as managing a team of architects. On top of this he has specialized in Digital Transformation during the past decade.
Within CGI, Wouter Paul works as Director Consulting and Thought Leader IT Modernization and is a member of the Digital Transformation core team. Besides that he is part of the leadership teams on Enterprise Architecture, Risk and Cost Driven (Solution) Architecture and Digital Transformation. With these teams he is establishing the professional community and guiding the curriculum development, develop and provide training, coaching & certification of DT specialists & architects and coaching project engagements. In his career Wouter Paul has worked in many different lines of business and is currently focusing on Manufacturing. His experience and responsibilities focus on the delivery of Enterprise Architecture and IT Modernization programs and the responsibility span is business and technology. He is able to oversee and provide insight to decision makers on the impact of technology change on the organization, on a business level and IT management level and technology itself.
From 2003 to 2012 Wouter Paul was chairman of the Dutch Information Architects Society (www.GIA.nl) and was architecture editor of the Magazine on Information & Management and the Chief Editor of the Information Architecture syllabus of Euroforum. He speaks on seminars, facilitates training workshops, coaches Master students and was frequently involved in research programs.