Combining advanced analytics and grid monitoring to detect, locate and identify the root cause of power outages before they occur, CGI’s MILES allows utilities to improve reliability performance by targeting the minority of feeders responsible for the majority of outages.

Distribution utilities have the critical task of ensuring the safe and reliable supply of electricity to customers. This job is made more challenging with the constant pressure to “do more with less,” maintain aging infrastructures and manage rapidly evolving customer expectations.

A key challenge of network reliability is locating and resolving intermittent issues, or faults, as quickly as possible to reduce overall customer interruptions and customer minutes lost. Faults can be momentary or permanent, and sometimes hard to detect and locate.

CGI’s MILES is an innovative advanced data analytics solution for fault detection, localisation and diagnosis. It is designed to generate clear and timely insight on distribution system faults that are the source of outages and customer complaints.

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