Author: Andrew Davern

In an era of increasing competition, and global disruptions, being able to execute strategy consistently, reliably and at scale, is crucial for businesses.

Covid-19 has shown us how quickly market conditions and working paradigms can change. As many businesses re-evaluate the way that they operate, the need for teams to have remote access to corporate assets is more important than ever.

Maintaining business processes, independent of location, is clearly essential. Here is why cloud computing is the operational solution that all businesses need in 2020 and beyond.

Why the cloud is a must-have for businesses today

Many businesses have already moved over to cloud computing. For those that havenā€™t, there is no better time to adapt than now.

Throughout this pandemic and the challenges created by COVID-19, we have heard time and again about companies transitioning to a remote workforce by leveraging their cloud computing strategy.

Cloud native companies have been able to scale their remote teams, slash long-lead times for provisioning and become more effective at both inter-team and intra-team working.

Failing to utilise cloud computing in todayā€™s world may put your business at risk of lagging far behind your competitors. Furthermore, the gulf between you is only going to widen as technology advances, especially in the current environment.

Benefits of adapting to the cloud

Adapting to the cloud really should not be done on the basis of fear alone. Whilst being left behind operationally is a consideration, cloud computing has enormous commercial benefits too.

Firstly, you only pay for what you use and you only use what you actually need, all while enjoying earlier access to the newest technologies.

It also helps you to establish a flexible operations model that you can scale to meet internal and external IT demands.

Using the cloud also contributes to agility. At CGI, we recently proposed a cloud-based solution that meant faster time to market for one of our clients ā€“ and our proof to concept was up and running in weeks, rather than months.

We have been able to deploy hybrid cloud solutions as well. For one customer, we leveraged the burst capability of the cloud for additional, short-term capacity requirements. By doing this, we were able to experience the benefits of the cloud while securing existing assets.

Integrating the cloud into your operations

Integrating the cloud into your business neednā€™t be a challenge. You just need to engage your technology partners to identify the right pathway to the cloud ā€“ public or private.

Nor should you worry about security. Concerns have been effectively addressed with rigorous built-in security and privacy baselines.

As CGI has benefited from the cloud, we have continued to share our knowledge to assist other companies. This includes helping to run lean POC and MVP initiatives to get them up and running in the cloud, so they can experience the benefits first-hand. We also create delivery methods that align effectively with a companyā€™s cloud strategies.

Here we demonstrate the importance of building strong partnerships with your technology partners. This is key to ensuring that cloud provides the benefits you intended by transforming how you manage technology investments to support your business.

It is clear that businesses are expected to maintain continuity, regardless of external disruptions. In addition to that, they also need to find ways to leverage technology for business growth.

The cloud offers a secure, effective solution for storing data, supports collaboration and enables businesses to continue operating whatever the circumstances.

Does your business need assistance integrating cloud computing quickly and seamlessly? Contact CGI to start enjoying the many benefits of the cloud, today.