Our targets and progress

70% of most significant suppliers assessed on environmental and social criteria by 2025

of most significant suppliers assessed on environmental and social criteria
(58% in 2022)

30% women on the Board of Directors

of women on the Board of Directors
(31.3% in 2022)



Governance strategy

As a global company, we have a responsibility to conduct our business in the most ethical manner, in all countries where we operate, with all of our stakeholders, including clients, CGI Partners', and suppliers.

Our governance strategy includes the following:

  • Adapt and apply high standards of governance as an integral part of our values
  • Incorporate appropriate ESG oversight by our Board of Directors
  • Monitor key areas of enterprise risk management, including cybersecurity and data privacy, adjust our governance practices accordingly, and ensure strict compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in our areas of operation

Modern slavery

We published our first “Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour Report,” which details measures we have taken to identify, address and prevent forced labor in our operations and supply chains. This report outlines both our global approach and alignment with local regulation to prevent and reduce risks associated with all forms of modern slavery, as well as our established commitment to providing safe and fair working conditions for all our consultants and professionals.

Download our report

Our ESG policy

Our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policy supports the CGI Dream, and our company values, and contributes to achieving our strategic goal: To be recognized by our stakeholders as an engaged, ethical and responsible corporate citizen.
ESG policy

Risk management

Our Enterprise Risk Management process ensures that risks are effectively managed across CGI and that all significant risks are reported at the enterprise level.
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As a global company operating in 40 countries, we understand our duty to work with suppliers who are environmentally and ethically responsible throughout their overall operations. We are committed to embedding sustainability principles in our procurement policy.
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Corporate governance

High corporate governance standards are foundational to the way we conduct business at CGI. We recognize and embrace our responsibility as a global company to engage in business practices that are ethical and in compliance with the letter and spirit of all applicable laws and regulations. Our Board of Directors and standing committees have ESG-related responsibilities and oversee the management and impact of ESG topics.
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We operate our business ethically and in compliance with the letter and spirit of all applicable laws and regulations. Our Code of Ethics and our Third-Party Code of Ethics outline our expectations for all CGI Partners', officers, directors, vendors, contractors, and partners.
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Data privacy

Whether we process personal data for our own needs, or do so for our clients or third parties, CGI is committed to providing levels of data protection aligned with industry best practices and in compliance with our legal and contractual obligations.
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ESG governance

Our ESG governance objectives are set under the guidance of several groups: the CGI Board of Directors, our ESG Executive Steering Committee, our ESG global and local teams, and our ESG networks and working groups.
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Human rights

As a people-oriented organization with 91,500 CGI Partners* , a global company operating in a variety of countries with diverse cultures and local regulations, and a buyer with more than 10,000 suppliers in our supply chain, we recognize human rights to be fundamental.
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Through a multi-layered approach that recognizes the protective value of both technology and the human element, we implement appropriate security practices and solutions, along with investing in awareness and training for our CGI Partners*. Expanding our capabilities to identify and detect threats early increases our ability to manage vulnerabilities and respond to threats in a timely manner and to limit the risk of major incidents and breaches.
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