When in the field, oil and gas workers want to have the same kind of mobile connectivity and capability they experience with their personal smartphones and tablets. Employers want crews to be able access and transmit accurate data from any location.

As a result, supporting more mobile devices with real-time connectivity has become a high priority for companies with remote workers. All of these drivers led CGI to invest in developing a new mobile data capture and validation solution for oil and gas companies: Exploration2Revenue Mobile Data Capture (X2R MDC).

This solution brief:

  • Demonstrates how X2R MDC helps oil and gas companies increase data accuracy and reduce expenses
  • Discusses present day processes and challenges such as error-prone data entry, multiple trip expenses (see example below) and sub-optimized asset management
  • Offers ways organizations can change current processes to optimize production operations
  • Shares the cost, business and strategic benefits of X2R MDC to oil and gas operations

Example: Multi-trip commutes to and from well sites and field offices