En stærk portefølje af services og dokumenteret succes med cloudprojekter for kunders cloudservices er blandt grundene til, at CGI er kåret som en af de førende cloudleverandører i Norden.
Analyse- og rådgivningsvirksomheden Information Services Group Inc (ISG) har undersøgt 49 udbydere af services og løsninger inden for cloud og hybrid cloud, og i to af kategorierne bliver CGI kåret som "leader":
'Consulting and Transformation Services for Large Accounts' samt 'Managed Public Cloud Services for Large Accounts.'
Markante besparelser
I undersøgelsen fremhæver ISG blandt andet, at CGI har dokumenteret erfaring og hjælper kunderne med at opnå markante besparelser:
"CGI has executed numerous cloud transformation projects during more than a decade of proven experience in the region."
"CGI provides next generation multi-cloud managed services with its robust cloud portfolio."
"CGI’s cloud portfolio and years of domain experience in the region enable customers to realize significant annual savings on their public cloud consumption, thereby supporting overall cost optimization."
"CGI’s hybrid IT management platform provides service availability, performance, security, and compliance as well as aggregated billing and chargeback across the client’s multi-cloud environment. The platform’s open ecosystem is adaptable to client-specific requirements or existing investments through its API gateway. Also, its advanced capabilities — including automated event analysis, autonomic incident resolution and robotic process automation — increase clients’ agility and reduction in operational expenditure."