
13. - 15. juni 2024 Mød CGI på Folkemødet 2024, hvor vi blandt andet er tilstede på IT-branchens IT-Paratskib og deltager i en spændende debat med fokus på digitalisering af sundhedsvæsnet.

9. - 10. oktober 2024 E-sundhedsobservatoriet er en national konference, hvor sundhedsvæsenets it-aktører mødes. Konferencen har et særligt fokus på udvikling og drift af e-sundhed og har gennem de sidste 23 år udviklet en platform, hvor planlæggere, praktikere og klinikere mødes over to dage for...

CGI has been selected by the Finnish Food Authority to continue developing and maintaining the Finnish Land Parcel Identification System (FLPIS), which supports the calculation of national and European Union farm subsidies paid by the Finnish Food Authority.

CGI has been awarded a contract under the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Space Systems for Safety and Security (4S) programme with the support from the UK Space Agency.

CGI is running live trials to demonstrate how integrated low-earth orbit satellite and terrestrial communications networks can provide seamless, low latency broadband connectivity on Britain’s rail network.

CGI announces its partnership with Google Cloud to deliver the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Sustainability Planet Platform.

CGI, in partnership with Ordnance Survey, developed an initiative designed to remotely detect sewage overspill events from space.