Processing market meter data is nothing new, however the growing volume of data and the management of this data towards balancing grids, facilitation of new initiatives and market reforms is, and will become increasingly important to Market Operators (MO) and Distribution System Operators (DSO).

This trend imposes large implications and challenges towards the IT landscape of MOs and DSOs. Examples can be found in:

  • meter data ingestion and VEE
  • volume allocation and grid loss
  • customer interaction and consent management
  • GDPR/EU regulatory compliance

CGI’s Central Market Solutions (CMS) is a dedicated product suite operating complex high volume market infrastructures in key markets in Europe. CMS focusses on addressing these challenges by delivering key functionality towards MOs and DSOs to help optimize the use of grids and ensure a well-functioning energy system for the future.

We invite you to join our webcast in which we are looking forward to share our journey and insights. Throughout this webcast we will demonstrate key functions of our product suite. 

Furthermore we encourage you to engage in the discussion so we can learn from each other and share views on some of the biggest challenges our energy markets are facing today. 

Learn more about CMS here


What will the audience learn during the webinar:
With the energy transition, metering and sensor data is becoming more and more important to network operations, distribution system operators, new market models and customer interaction. With this seminar you will learn how Central Market Solutions combines a high volume of (near) real-time smart meter and sensor data, which needs to be processed and analyzed for decision making processes to support the E-market, whilst ensuring the highest level of security, EU regulatory compliance and access for the consumer.

Please join this webinar to explore the possibilities and opportunities that CMS provides towards the energy sector and beyond.


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