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Fremmer resultater for våre kunder gjennom globale allianser
I dagens samfunn er samarbeid avgjørende for å oppnå varig suksess. Vi jobber tett med våre kunder og vårt nettverk av globale og regionale alliansepartnere for å skape en bedre fremtid ved hjelp av avansert teknologi. Denne videoen viser eksempler på de gode resultatene vi oppnår sammen.
Hva leverer vi som UiPath-alliansepartner?
Fra å hjelpe en amerikansk bank med å automatisere låneprosesser under Payroll Protection Program under pandemien, til å øke tempoet i COVID-19-vaksinasjoner i Finland – CGI bruker UiPath-teknologi for å skape målbare resultater for kundene, raskt og i stor skala.
Vi har over 1 000 erfarne spesialister innen robotisert prosessautomatisering, inkludert sertifiserte UiPath-eksperter. I tillegg har vi solid kompetanse innen nye teknologier som kunstig intelligens, avansert analyse, databehandling og cybersikkerhet. Vi hjelper kundene med mer enn bare effektivisering av prosesser – vi automatiserer også komplekse beslutninger og interaksjoner, fra støttefunksjoner til full autonomi. Dette frigjør ansatte til å fokusere på mer verdiskapende arbeid. Vårt egenutviklede Intelligent Automation Framework bidrar til å akselerere prosjektene.
I tillegg tilbyr vi dyp bransjekunnskap, lokal tilstedeværelse og global leveransekapasitet, noe som gjør oss i stand til å hjelpe kunder over hele verden med å skalere automatiseringsprosjekter og oppnå konkrete resultater.
Trained, certified, experienced RPA professionals worldwide
Advanced analytics / artificial intelligence experts
Global automation centers of excellence, local practices and labs
A top IT priority for banks is automating business processes. Automation has been a key enabler of agility and efficiencies and will continue to be a key priority for clients as they reinvent their organizations.
For health clients, improving the patient experience, as well as digitizing and automating to improve care and reduce costs, are among top priorities. We help clients achieve these priorities using intelligent automation.
Intelligent automation (IA) strategy and assessment work
We help clients define their IA ambition through structured workshops, process assessments, an IA roadmap, and a technology vendor ecosystem that delivers RPA expertise and capabilities.
RPA exploration workshop
Through this half-day workshop, we explore enterprise-scale RPA benefits and identify process areas for a possible RPA proof-of-value sprint.
Intelligent Automation sprint
Together with clients, we select one to three IA or RPA use cases or processes, develop and test automations, run them in controlled pre-production, and prove the value and business case.
Intelligent Automation production and scale
We help clients build an agile design factory using templates and pattern libraries, manage process and use case backlogs, prioritize use cases, build and test/release bots, and build and integrate production architecture and infrastructure.
Intelligent Automation change management
We collaborate with clients to develop change management plans, update HR policies, develop new roles and responsibilities, create job descriptions, establish training, develop an IA Center of Excellence model, and manage transitions.
Intelligent Automation managed services
Our experts manage bot control rooms, provide bot maintenance, support and optimize license usage, manage KPIs, leverage lean process reengineering, and provide a bots-as-a- service model that is metered and billed on a pay-as-you-go model. We can host leading RPA platforms in our secure data centers or manage them on client premises or in the cloud.
CGI Accel360
CGI provides a fully-managed service for enterprise automation and AI, enabling you to gain all the benefits of automation and AI technology without managing the platform.