Les défis auxquels font face les banques s'intensifient alors que nous entrons dans une période de changement profond et radical. Nous voyons le monde qui nous entoure devenir de plus en plus connecté, transcendant les cultures, les langues et les frontières. Open banking, tout en temps réel, les technologies émergentes, les menaces de sécurité en constante évolution et d’autres tendances entraînent des défis complexes, mais également des opportunités excitantes pour le secteur bancaire.

CGI collabore avec les plus grandes banques du monde pour soutenir leurs initiatives stratégiques, transformant les changements rapides en opportunités mesurables. Nous travaillons côte à côte avec nos clients, leur fournissant les capacités technologiques de bout en bout et l'expertise approfondie du secteur dont ils ont besoin pour répondre aux attentes de leurs clients en constante évolution.


Pendant le salon Sibos 2019, CGI organisera une série d'ateliers sur l'innovation afin de discuter de certains des problèmes les plus pertinents auxquels les banques sont confrontées aujourd'hui.

Dans une atmosphère détendue et informelle, les dirigeants des secteurs bancaire et technologique approfondiront le sujet à l’examen pour explorer les problèmes et leur impact, ainsi que les opportunités de transformation et de croissance.

Ces ateliers auront lieu au restaurant Tapa Tapa, situé à côté du centre de conférence ExCeL London. Chaque atelier fournira de la nourriture et des boissons.

La participation est strictement limitée. Si vous souhaitez assister à un atelier, inscrivez-vous à l'adresse . 


The Changing Global RTGS landscape

Date: Monday, September 23

Time: 5.00 pm – 6:00 pm

Location: Tapa Tapa restaurant next to ExCeL London

RTGS in major economies has been around since the 1980s in one form or another, so that’s the best part of 40 years. While the service has evolved over the intervening years the basic concepts of message based processing, liquidity management and the associated funding models have not changed dramatically. In this panel discussion we’ll look to explore some of the new approaches and technologies that could change the landscape of RTGS systems globally.

Open Banking and the SME Bank

Date: Tuesday, September 24

Time: 7:30 am – 9:00 am

Location: Tapa Tapa restaurant next to ExCeL London

While 2018 was the year of open banking, most of the focus was on the retail banking sector. In this year and next, we see the focus shifting to SME banking. Incumbents, challengers and FinTechs are investing heavily in this space. Join us for breakfast to discuss how this banking sector will benefit from open banking, along with the opportunities open banking is creating for the broader financial services industry.

Data – spinning digital straw into gold

Date: Tuesday, September 24

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Location: Tapa Tapa restaurant next to ExCeL London

Data is a bank’s most plentiful and least organized asset, and it reflects the behaviors, needs and desires of the bank's customer base, both consumer and corporate. Robust silos, disparate formats, growth through acquisitions, and privacy concerns resulting from the GDPR and other regulations make it difficult to spin this digital straw into gold, especially at a time when PSD2 and open banking will make data more available than ever. Join us for an in-depth discussion on data challenges and opportunities.

Cashless – the way forward or not?

Date: Tuesday, September 24

Time: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Location: Tapa Tapa restaurant next to ExCeL London

This panel debate on cashless societies involves experts from Sweden, a country already well down the cashless society path. The swift adoption of cashless alternatives for day-to-day commerce in Sweden has been fast and impressive. In a short time, the country has included all communities, shown great foresight and adopted groundbreaking technology.

Is this a “utopian” future, where all of society is happy and pleased, or are there down sides? What about the risks, too, such as social exclusion, the heavy burden of expensive infrastructure and crisis management? Join us for a lively discussion on these issues and more.

How Visionary Banks Are Delivering Trade Today and Advancing Towards the Future

Date: Wednesday, September 25

Time: 7:30 am – 9:00 am

Location: Tapa Tapa Restaurant next to ExCeL London

While the fundamentals of banking remain the same, rapid technological transformation is dramatically shifting the manner in which banks interact with their customers, deliver products, and drive efficiencies. In this workshop, CGI trade experts will review developments in customer interaction, data analysis, interoperable ecosystems, and non-bank market entrants. This workshop will help trade banks with the following:

  • leveraging AI and machine learning to implement intelligent data capture
  • connecting to new bank ecosystems
  • dealing with rising FinTechs as partners and competitors
  • exploring, experimenting, and implementing a vision for the future
  • delivering a seamless digital customer experience

Competition vs. Collaboration

Date: Wednesday, September 25

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Location: Tapa Tapa restaurant next to ExCeL London

When do things stop being for the common good and become something that market forces should decide? Over the last few years the global financial services industry has seen the rise of real time payments, open access APIs and innovative overlay services, but so far no-one has really cracked the problem of where central infrastructures should cease to prescribe the resulting environment.

In this panel discussion and round table CGI will look at where the boundaries lie between regulation and innovation, between development of services for the common good and letting the market decide.

Going Digital: The turn of corporate and transaction banking?

Date: Wednesday, September 25

Time: 2.30 pm – 4:00 pm

Location: Tapa Tapa restaurant next to ExCeL London

Digitalization, the API economy and open banking are wreaking havoc on the delivery of retail banking services. The 2019 CGI Client Global Insights shows that corporate and transaction banking is immune no more. Irrespective of their size, location or use of banking services, corporate customers are demanding integrated, information-rich, real-time and easy-to-access services from their banks. We invite you to join on our distinguished panel on the transformation of corporate and transaction banking services.