In an increasingly digital society, consumers and citizens have heightened expectations for their everyday interactions.

As a result, digital leaders across industries seek new ways to evolve their strategy and operational models and use technology and information to improve how they operate, deliver products and services, and create value.

These leaders realize results from transformation and generate new opportunities through an end-to-end digital value chain.

Key success factors include:

  • Instilling cultural change, including evolving technology to being core to the business

  • Organizing customer- and citizen-centric business models and the enabling architecture

  • Prioritizing cybersecurity and data privacy, along with sustainability actions

  • Pivoting the use of data from predicting and planning to sensing and responding


Optimizing your digital value chain to accelerate successful business outcomes


Optimizing your digital value chain

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Accelerating your digital journeys

Optimizing your digital value chain is not solely a technology initiative, but rather an organizational effort that encompasses your mission, strategy, culture and operational models. Today’s digital value chain includes both virtual and in-person interactions. Drawing upon insights from the CGI Voice of Our Clients, along with the work of our experts across the globe, our white paper offers recommendations for accelerating your transformation results.

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Explore our key services to optimize your digital value chain

Digital transformation

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Business agility

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CGI Business Consulting

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IT Outsourcing, Managed IT Services

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Cloud & hybrid IT

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Artificial intelligence

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Advanced Analytics

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Client stories

What do digital leaders do differently?

Based on nearly 1,700 interviews with business and IT executives in the 2021 CGI Voice of Our Clients, we’ve identified several common characteristics of digital leaders (those who say their organization is producing expected results from digital strategies). These attributes include:

  • Clearly define and align on stakeholder outcomes
  • View transformation holistically, across the entire value chain
  • Modernize, simplify and protect their supply chains and the personal data of stakeholders
  • Consider sustainability as core to creating value for customers and citizens

Learn more about the attributes of digital leaders

four people having discussion around table

Attributes of digital leaders

consultant leading a discussion on insights-led decisions

A framework to help organizations pivot the use of data from predicting and planning to “sensing and responding” to fuel innovation

Value in motion: Driving forward data-driven decision-making

Digital leaders recognize the need to sense and respond to change quickly and to design their business and operating models to be agile. It is no longer enough to be the most efficient organization with the least errors; you also need to be the most innovative and fast at creating value through that innovation.

To win and be sustainable, organizations need to visualize and simulate decisions enabled by dynamic data and insights. This is what we term “value in motion.” This approach requires enterprises to rethink the mechanics of decision-making in the organization and the enabling technologies.

Read our white paper

CGI named a Major Player for digital strategy consulting services worldwide

The pressure to digitize coupled with a myriad of challenges in executing a digital strategy have led to an increased demand for digital strategy consulting services. In response to this demand, the International Data Corporation (IDC) issued its 2021 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Digital Strategy Consulting Services 2021 Vendor Assessment.

A significant component of the IDC MarketScape assessment is an analysis of buyer perceptions. Three key strengths identified by CGI clients include our insights, action orientation and people quality.

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consultants discussing digital strategy

CGI named a Major Player for digital strategy consulting

CGI named a Major Player for digital strategy consulting