Pat Norrise loeng TTÜ-s: „Kuidas satelliidid maailma päästsid?“ 14. November
14. novembril korraldab CGI Eesti Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis staažika kosmose spetsialisti Pat Norrise avatud loengu: „Kuidas satelliidid maailma päästsid?“ Loeng algab kell 12:00 energeetikamaja Voldeku auditooriumis ning kell 13:30 järgneb raamatuesitlus TTÜ muuseumi kosmosenäituse ruumides.
Loeng toimub inglise keeles, kõik huvilised on oodatud. Ürituse Facebooki leht:
Pärast loengut on esimesel 25 võimalus soetada Pati autogrammiga raamat: „Watching Earth from Space: how surveillance helps us -- and harms us.“
Teema: How Satellites Saved the World - the role of spy satellites in the 1960s and 1970s in preventing nuclear war
Histories of the space age usually omit what is arguably the most important achievement – the role of spy satellites in the 1960s and 1970s in preventing nuclear war. The imaging satellites launched by the USA every week year after year in the 1960s monitored the rapid expansion of the Soviet Union’s nuclear-tipped missile forces. The Soviets matched the US in the number of such satellites launched as they in turn kept track of the deployment of America’s nuclear forces on land, at sea and in the air. Henry Kissinger and others have attested to the central role of these satellites in enabling the SALT Treaties to be negotiated, bringing about a halt, and then a reduction, in the number of nuclear weapons on both sides. Research undertaken by the presenter Pat Norris for his book Spies in the Sky on these surveillance satellites and their political consequences, provides the basis for a lecture that will explain the design of these unusual satellites, the political motivation for spending the vast sums involved, the enormous but largely unrecognised benefits they provided, and (briefly) the importance of similar satellites today.
In addition to spy satellites the presenter shortly discusses personal work in the Apollo Moon landings.
Pat Norris:
Keynote speaker is Mr. Pat Norris who has long-term experience (+45 years) in the use of space services across business and government, and is the author of many books and articles on space. Pat Norris’s experience includes the Apollo Moon landings as a NASA contractor, and the Hubble Space Telescope at the European Space Agency. Since 1980 he has worked for CGI (former Logica) currently as adviser to the Vice President Space.
Triin Ahonen
CGI Eesti AS
Tel: (+372) 5295893