With a mandate to increase awareness, knowledge and delivery of IP related services to Canadians, CIPO's aging legacy systems were becoming a hindrance to their leadership role in providing IP services and educating Canadians on how to use IP more...
CGI’s CMS is a secure, modular solution that provides equal access to data to encourage a level playing field and enforce effective competition in the energy market.
Accurately analyze business volumes and workforce requirements with tactical resource planning, job scheduling, workflow management, and mobile functionality for intelligent scheduling recommendations based on key organizational metrics.
CGI OpenGrid Energy Control correlates and filters massive volumes of data generated by edge devices and offers control capabilities to support efficient network operations, microgeneration, electric vehicle (EV) charging and grid balancing. The solution leverages edge devices to assist energy...
February 8, 2021 Montreal, Quebec, February 10, 2021 – CGI (NYSE: GIB) (TSX: GIB.A), alongside partner Hydro-Québec, is partnering with UK Power Networks to introduce the Intelligent Maintenance of Electric LineS (MILES) network fault location solution to the UK. CGI has worked with...
Three organizational capabilities industry leaders will need to help navigate the business challenges caused by COVID-19
Sm@rtering Grid Control acts as middleware that integrates the AMI network and power grid with business processes to implement a truly smart grid.