CGI ako globálny poskytovateľ koncových IT riešení v spolupráci s Bureau Veritas, celosvetovým lídrom v oblasti certifikácií, inšpekcií a testovania, lokálne spojili svoje sily v pandemickej kríze a prichádzajú v Českej republike s okamžitou a užitočnou pomocou lokálnym prevádzkarom v...
CGI Česká republika a CGI Slovensko pomáha zdravotníkom a záchranným zložkám v boji proti COVID-19, pretože nám situácia nie je ľahostajná. Uvedomujeme si, že to títo kľúčoví ľudia sú nasadení v prvej línii a často pracujú nadčasy iba preto, aby...
CGI developed the STEM@CGI At Home program that offers fun STEM-based activity packs for children to do at home.These resources cover subjects ranging from coding, to environmental sustainability, to robotics that can be learnt through interesting hands-on tasks like building...
Keď sa pandémia Covid – 19 rýchlo rozšírila po celom svete v prvých mesiacoch roku 2020, montrealská klinika Heart Institute (MHI) zahájila vlastnú veľkú klinickú štúdiu, aby otestovala potenciálny liek na túto chorobu. Štúdia s názvom COLCORONA bola zahájená z...
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government enacted the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to address the economic fallout of stay-at-home orders across the nation. As part of CARES, Congress set up a new Paycheck...
In response to work and travel restrictions implemented in the midst of the pandemic, CGI designed a mobile app to help manage work statuses and travel permits.
March 23, 2020 MONTREAL -- The Montreal Heart Institute announces that its Research Center is launching today a COVID-19 clinical study in Canada to determine whether short-term treatment would reduce the risk of pulmonary complications and related deaths. The clinical study...
Organizations of every size and across sectors faced drastic workforce changes when the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe in early 2020. Governments worldwide enacted strict physical distancing requirements that affected just about every facet of life—work, travel, entertainment, etc...