Results-driven field data management

Accurate and timely access to production volume data is critical for upstream executives and managers to make smart decisions about the future direction of their companies. Manual spreadsheets and home-grown databases no longer fit the bill. Upstream companies need a solution that connects every part of the business—from field operations to the front office—and drives the strategic use of data to drive growth and revenue

CGI’s Production Volume Reporting (PVR) solution is the leading production management system on the market today, offering upstream companies an effective means of collecting, compiling and reporting field data. PVR provides producers with the right information at the right time, empowering them to make right decisions and increase their competitiveness.

PVR features

PVR is a comprehensive, flexible and scalable field data capture system that streamlines and automates the entire production volume reporting life cycle. PVR’s unique features include the following:

  • Processes virtually any data item required for field data capture through comprehensive master files
  • Protects corporate production data by securing access to hierarchical records
  • Provides a reporting hierarchy to determine levels of summary and detailed information through the PVR master files
  • Leverages the PVR Wizard for the quick creation of custom reports and graphs
  • Quickly distributes custom reports using any MAPI compliant mail system viewed by the PVR report viewer
  • Provides access to knowledgeable support through classroom training, help desk and online e-learning

PVR benefits

Upstream oil and gas producers using PVR benefit from the following:

  • Ease-of-use and flexibility
  • Easy integration with other mission-critical applications to create a complete and near-real time picture of business performance
  • Access to data from any geographic location to make informed business decisions and increase productivity
  • One-click data import and export process
  • Access to more than 300 standard reports
  • Open development process, where users determine the priority of future enhancements and features
  • Fail-safe business continuity with offsite backup

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