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Application X2R HCA pour la comptabilité des hydrocarbures

CGI’s innovative X2R HCA application uses advanced technology to give North American oil and gas operators the visibility they need for profitability, forecasting, simulation and production optimization.

CGI All Payments

CGI All Payments est une solution moderne, modulaire, adaptée au nuage et fondée sur les normes mondiales de l’industrie qui permet de veiller à la pérennité de vos activités de paiement.


The most important foundation underlying the oil and gas industry is the land upon which energy resources are explored, discovered and produced. Management of land and associated assets can be the “make or break” factor in the success of an upstream company.

Pétrole et gaz – Gestion de la production

Without current and accurate access to critical asset performance and insights, fast and smart business decisions cannot be made, which can paralyze growth. CGI’s Production Management (PM) Suite enables clients to make informed business decisions and increase productivity with easy access to daily production information.

Pétrole et gaz – Système de gestion des redevances (RMS)

RMS includes all of the functionality necessary for organizations to automate and validate corporate regulatory and crown royalty reporting requirements and includes allowable cost and crown invoice functionality.

Pétrole et gaz – Systèmes de gestion financière et d’entreprise (enVision)

A solution that provides access to current and accurate financial information is essential to making the right decisions for business growth—as is knowing the best way to manage this financial information. With CGI's enterprise and financial management system enVision, clients have access to the right data for the right people at the right time.

Production de rapports sur le volume de production (PVR)

CGI’s Production Volume Reporting (PVR) solution is the leading production management system on the market today, offering upstream companies an effective means of collecting, compiling and reporting field data. PVR provides producers with the right information at the right time, empowering them to make right decisions and increase their competitiveness.

Solution CGI DigitalGov360

CGI DigitalGov360 is an online service development and delivery platform that is helping our government clients deliver more than 1,000 digital services with millions of transactions annually.

Système de comptabilité d’exploitation (PAS)

Designed for production accountants by production accountants, CGI's Production Accounting Solution (PAS) was designed and is continuously evolved in collaboration with six major E&P companies in Canada incorporating collective best practices, process excellence, compliance standards and the latest technologies.